Sunday, December 29, 2024

With You Be My Side by William Wyllie

 With You Beside Me

                     by William Wyllie


I sit and drink my morning coffee.

      as a new day begins.

    I know with you beside me I will suely always win.

      Those beautiful chats we have to express our love.

    I know with you beside me it will be my heaven above.

      What is heaven, a state of utter bless.

It can also be captured with a beautiful kiss.

      It is how you view it that really brings it into view.

    I see it as a beautiful peaceful place.

      No violence, just happy people enjoyinmg the space.

Back to the subject that I love the most.

      My beautiful lady, without her I am toast.

A burn black piece of bread that is what I would be.

      So love me baby.Give me all that sweet kindness,

That I know you have for me.

      Together we will have joy for the rest of the world to see.

With you beside me, I will be the man you desire.

      And maybe bring the flame of love, into a burning fire.

This Lady Has Captured My Heart by William Wyllie

 The Lady has captured my Heart

                                by William Wyllie

The lady has casptured my heart.

    With her I never want to part.

    A lovely chat on line brings us so close.

    I just love you the most.

This is the lady I want to spend the rest of my life close beside.

    Our Love for each other we won't hide.

As we talk my deep love burns high.

    Our feels are woven around each other.

I want to touch the sky.

    This babe nloves me I am blessed.

With her life will be the best.

    She is such a beauty that is for sure.

For her I would open any door.

    I say goodnight my Lovely Lady.

    You are my hot baby.

Wednesday, December 18, 2024

Goodnight by William Wyllie

                                                        by William Wyllie

          My love as I go to my bed tonight.
                 I think of a future with you.
          When our love takes flight.
                Can't wait for our future to begin.
          With you by my side I will always win.
                My words flow from my heart.
          Together with you never apart.
                You bring me such joy.
          Let me be your lover boy.
                You make me want to fly.
          Someday we will touch the sky.
                In the winter you will warm my soul.
         Together with you is my goal.
                These words  say to you.
         My darling I Love You.
                As I get ready to rest for the Night.
         Together with you will always be right.
               On the pillow I rest My Head.
         Someday I know you and I will wed.
               I kiss you and Hold you tight.

Never Apart by William Wyllie

Never Apart
                                              William Wyllie

           When we talk online, sweet feelings arise.
                     These passionate feelings way deep inside.
           As we chat on line our feelings grow strong.
                     With you is where I belong.
           Sweet baby you have melted my heart.
                     Together with you, Never apart.
           Never thought someone like you could fall in love
           with someone like me.
                     Together we will be happy, A good life we will see.
           You make my emotions rise.
                     My deep feelings inside.
           My passion has no boundaries
                    But that is what my desires for you is like.
           I look at you and I see such delight.
                   A beautiful thing between us has started.
          Together we will be, never departed.
                  Never apart, baby you captured my heart.
          Together we will be, our love has lightened the dark.
                  That little Cupid, he knows what he is doing.
          We will be like little doves, and we will be cooing.

Lady with the Long Black Hair by William Wyllie

Lady with the Long Black Hair
                                                                    By William Wyllie

          You are the first thing I think of in the morning.
                 And the last thing at night.
          Please love me all day and all night.
                 When that big beautiful moon shines so bright.
          I need you beside me to hold me tight.
                 My Hot Babe that I love so Much.
         I want to reach out my hands and just touch.
                 I dream of a future with you in it.
         I want to love you every minute.
                 I dream of my lady with the long black hair.
        I will love you forever, I follow anywhere.
                So come my love and share my world.
        And always be my forever girl.

Saturday, December 7, 2024

Together at the Rising Sun by William Wyllie

 Together at the Rising Sun
                                                              By William Wyllie

              You are the one for Me.
                   A good life we will see.
              You are my one desire.
                  You set my world On Fire.
              This deep burning fire it rages so high.
                  Deep passion inside.My heart cries.
              It yerns for your touch.
                  I Love you so Much.
             I write that at 3:44 in the morning.
                  Our love is just dawning.
             You give me such wonderful Feelings.
                  My heart and soul are reeling.
             Our heart have already become One.
                  Our love is like the rising sun.
             I know you feel this love too.
                  I love you yes I do.
             Lets sing our songs together.
                  I will love you forever.
             As I sit on my bed I write.
                  You and I together is right.
             These poems express my Love.
                  You are my heaven above.
              Our hearts have already become One.
                  Together at the Rising Sun.


The Flame of Love by William Wyllie

 Flame of love
                                        by William Wyllie

      Let's make some beautiful memories.
             The future is ours to see.
      My heart and soul are on fire.
             The flames burn so much higher.
      In my throat I could feel.
             The fire that burns from my soul is real.
     This shows me our love is true.
             My beautiful lady I sure do love you.
     You started this fire where I am laying.
             Keep this flame of Love from dying.
     Oh baby, baby, baby you are the best.
             Let my lay my head upon your chest.
     You are so beautiful I just can't let go.
             I write these poems to let you know.
     You make me happy, you give me such desire.
             The flame of love burns so much higher.
      You are so far away,But your love I still feel.
             Sweet hope for the future, this love is real.
      I say goodnight, My China Doll.
            I will be right there whenever you call.
      My little Honey Love. I will treat you kind.
            Until the day that I make you Mine.
       My flame of Love will never die.
            You will keep that flame burning high.