My Love Will Be Heard
By Bill Wyllie
Happy Days and Happy Nights.
It's you I need to hold me tight.
My Words of Love from Me to you.
Come from my heart, my love is true.
You're on my mind every second of the day.
Together with you is where I will stay.
With you my love sweet love I found.
I want you near me and always around.
I can't believe that you love me so much.
I want to reach my hand out and gently touch.
Touch your face and your lips on mine.
Squeeze you tight, let's dance and dine.
I pray to the lord someday we will meet.
It is your love that I seek.
We will be so happy I know we will.
It may be a bumpy ride,but will be a big thrill.
Beautiful lady from a far off land.
I take your love and put a ring on your hand.
Your lovely letters with those lovely words.
My love for you will be heard.
Wednesday, June 21, 2023
My Love Will be Heard by Bill Wyllie
Together We are One by Bill Wyllie
Together We are One
by Bill Wyllie
What I want in this life.
A simple question to ask.
I know it's you, the sweet times will last.
Your love for me it is so strong.
It is with you that I belong.
To share our love, it's you I need.
A life with you just has to be.
Such a beautiful lady you bring me joy.
I will treat you kind like a child's toy.
I bring you presents to show my love.
God has sent you from heaven above.
I know I love you and you love me.
If you ask me to I would climb a tree.
But not too high I'm afraid of heights.
To be beside you I know is right.
My beautiful lady, the time has come.
To be close beside you, because we are one.
Together in this world, the time is right.
We will light up the world in the darkest night.
My Special One by Bill Wyllie
My Special One
By William Wyllie
My Lady you are there is no doubt.
I love you so much I will scream and shout.
In the darkest days or the bright sunlight.
Our love will go on because together we're Right.
My beautiful lady I love you so.
It's you that I simply need to know.
I will love you now and through all time.
I need to make you mine all mine.
Here my love the time has come.
I know you are the special one.
The one that has entered my heart.
Together forever, never apart.
My other half,As they used to say.
I know I will love you till my dying day.
But until that time I will give you love.
God has blessed us from heaven above.
As I write these words you excite my soul.
I am yours to have and to hold.
I feel so happy, this warm feeling inside.
I will show it to you I will not hide.
I say goodbye or is it goodnight.
I know I want to hold you tight.
Words Hurt by Bill Wyllie
Words Hurt
By Bill Wyllie
Sometimes words hurt, sometimes they sting.
But oh my god the hate they bring.
A sarcastic word it gets me going.
I try to calm myself so it's not showing.
Though sometimes it hurts, I let it pass.
Sometimes I want to tell them to kiss my ass.
But I digress, I'll show the love.
In God we trust from heaven above.
The memory lives on, but I think good thoughts.
But sometimes I would rather not.
The Senior Olympics by Bill Wyllie
The Senior Olympics
By Bill Wyllie
In the Senior Olympics I play my games.
I play darts, in fourth I came.
I walk a half mile, 12th in the pack.
Those old ladies can sure walk fast.
The first week of Senior Olympics is almost done.
Win or lose it was sure a lot of Fun.
Last day of week 1, We go the the High school Track.
A two mile replay race that I have never done before.
My team Faith,Kathy,Lily and myself,
Walk around twice and no more.
Last day of Senior Olympics, what a blast.
This will always be a special moment from my past.
Week two begins, with a game of Pool with guys and a lady named Joanne.
Larry, David and Ivan what a team to beat.
But I play my best with cue in hand.
Ivan has no shot so he hands it to me.
I sink six balls one after the other. I am actually ahead of him, Yipee.
But in the end he beats me for sure.
Larry gets gold, David Gets Silver and Ivan gets bronze.
Me I play no more.
But what a pleasure to play with these great guy's. It's all in good fun.
But I make good friends, So in the end I have Won.
Second day of Senior Olympics Week Number two.
We gather outside in parking lot, to walk another mile. WOO HOO.
In the pack I end up clocking in at 13 Minutes.
I'm 8th to come in, but so happy that I'm In it.
One more gathering on Friday this week.
They pass out rewards, and I read this speech.
But so glad I did this, it was so much fun.
A beautiful day in the bright, bright sun.
The Wen and William Show by Bill Wyllie
The Wen and William Show by Bill Wyllie
I do my radio shows for the world to hear.
But I whisper my love into your ear.
I play my music from long ago.
But it is with you I want to go.
To do a radio show with you that is my delight.
To hear your music, would be out of sight.
I will read my poems you will sing your songs.
Before we know it the time will be gone.
We will have such fun, this has to be.
"The Wen and William Show" the world will see.
You play your music we will sing our songs.
So happy we will be as our love goes on.
The control of this show I give to you.
You program the content, as I follow through.
You say a radio show is your dream.
This makes me happy, I go to my means.
I like this idea of a show with you.
We will do whatever you want to do.
But I have a request for our goodbye song.
With "May the Good Lord Bless and keep you"
We can't go wrong.
Say You Love Me by Bill Wyllie
Say you Love Me
By Bill Wyllie
In the early Morn, or whatever the time.
I know I need to make you mine.
You are in my thoughts every second of the day.
Say you love me, I need to hear you say.
My morning coffee and Toast I have as I greet the day.
I know my love will never go away.
I love you my darling, this has to be.
You have captured my heart, and now I see.
As I look through your photos it just brings me joy.
Let us sing and dance, I am a happy boy.
But when I am with you, I will be your man.
We will walk through life hand in hand.
Morning Sun by Bill Wyllie
The Morning Sun
William Wyllie
When the new day starts dawning,
It is you I think of every morning.
The beauty that I see, the beauty that you are.
Together we'll go far.
It is you, that makes my love shine through.
My dream girl that is you.
So darling show me your love, and I'll show you mine.
And at night we will dine.
All through the day and all through the night.
It is with you, this love feels so right.
My beautiful lady you sure are the one.
You bring the light of the morning sun.
Love of My Life by Bill Wyllie
Love of My Life
by William Wyllie
The Love of My Life, I have found at last.
We will be together, the Dye as been cast.
This beautiful lady she loves me so,
When we are together, my love will show.
A lovely chat we express our feelings.
Oh baby you set my heart a reeling.
We will sing and Dance and have such fun.
I know my darling you are the one.
The one I want the one I need.
If I get cut I know you will bleed.
We feel each other's feelings this is for sure.
I will bring my love right to your door.
I will show my love I will ring your bell.
My love for you I will surly tell.
You bring me up when I am down.
When I am with you I will never frown.
When we are together we will paint the town.
I will turn that frown upside down.
I Miss You by Bill Wyllie
I Miss You
by William Wyllie
I Miss you everyday,Whenever you are away.
I miss you in the night,you make me feel alright.
I miss you when I'm cold,It's you I want to hold.
I miss you when I'm hot,My friendship you have got.
I miss you from afar,Classy lady that you are.
I miss you in the summer,I miss you in the fall.
If you ever want me around,I will answer when you call.
Your wish is my command,Please let me hold your hand.
If you were swimming in the sea,I hope you would swim up to me.
Friendship love and devotion,You bring me deep emotions.
Your love makes me feel so good.
Want to be by your side if I could.
The beautiful friendship we have together.
To be near you in any weather.
These words come from my heart.
Good feelings I hope will not part.
Our friendship, love on this earth.
I feel so much love I just might burst.
Warm and Happy do I feel.
I can't believe this is all real.
God Bless Us by Bill Wyllie
God Bless Us
by Bill Wyllie
I dream of you every day and every night.
I know when we are together,
everything will be alright.
I feel your love, I want to hold you in my arms.
My heart will be pounding with your womanly charms.
I sit and drink my morning coffee today.
I know when I'm with you.everything is OK.
"God has kept us together".
Some words you wrote me.
And now that I think of it,I know it will be.
When I write these words, who knows what will come about.
I know I want to scream my love right out.
I hope the day will come when our love takes fight.
I go the rough ride, you're such a beautiful sight.
I may need a motion sickness pill, but the ride will be grand.
Because it is with you that I will stand.
Together we will be, as we walk on the beach.
The sunset we will watch together,for you I will reach.
I will hold you so close, as the sun goes down.
When I am with you, I will never wear a frown.
As the daylight fades,and the blessed night time begins.
I know in my heart god has blessed us again.
A Thousand Days and a thousand nights by Bill Wyllie
A Thousand Days and a thousand nights
by Bill Wyllie.
A thousand days and a thousand nights.
Would not be enough to hold you tight.
When the morning sun rises I will be right here.
I will whisper sweet love into your ear.
I will sing my love songs forever and a day.
To keep you near me to God I pray.
I ask the lord to keep Us together.
In Sunny days or Rainy weather.
It's you my love that makes my fire burn.
I will make you happy I will make you squirm.
My lady with the long black flowing hair.
I will go with you, almost anywhere.
In this crazy world we found sweet love.
God has blessed us from heaven above.
It is with you that I want to share my life.
And I know someday you will be my wife.
I say these words from my heart.
We will be together and never apart.
An hour long chat We shared our feelings.
You set my world and heart a reeling.
My sweet love I say goodnight.
Until the time when I hold You Tight.
By Your Side I Will Stand by Bill Wyllie
By Your Side I Will Stay
by Bill Wyllie
You and I together we will be.
God has blessed us for the world to see.
I am yours my love until the day I die.
I know our passion will make us fly.
In the bright sunshine so nice and warm.
My love for you will always live on.
This beautiful lady has come to me.
She has opened my eyes for now I see.
I see a life and you are in it.
And I am beside you for every minute.
This warm feeling it burns like fire.
With you my love I will never tire.
I will be so happy in everything I do.
Because I know I do love you.
My words go on they will not stop.
Until we reach the Mountain top.
We will walk together hand in hand.
By your side I will always Stand.