Dancing in the Moonlight
by William Wyllie
Dancing in the Moonlight.
Dancing all around.
It is with you that I will be Found.
I dream of my sweet darling.
Such a gorgous lady that you are.
You bring me so much joy.
You are my shinning Star.
The lady that I love.
The lady I need so bad.
You will never make me sad.
I will love you in the morning,
when the sun is shinning bright.
I will love you in the night time.
When the moon shines it's light.
But oh my darling it is you I adore.
I will love you forever.
In that sexy dress you wore.
But whatever you do.
My love just goes on.
We will make sweet love.
Till the black of night is gone.
Wednesday, November 29, 2023
Dancing in the Moonlight
The Eyes of Love
The Eyes of Love
by William Wyllie
I look through the eyes of love.
When I look at you.
I know I'll never let you go.
My love for you is true.
Scooby, Doo Be Doo.
On this cold fall day.
when the wind blows cold.
I want to hold you so close.
My love will never stop.
It is you I need the most.
Such a lovely lady.
I sure have been blessed.
I know with you it will be the very best.
So come on with me.
We will have lots of fun.
We will be together.
When the day is done.
Friday, November 24, 2023
Memories of Christmas Past by Bill Wyllie
I have fond memories as a little kid.
Growing up in the 1950's.
I come from a large family,
My older brother Bobby,My next older brother Arthur,
My next older sister Susan,then me,
then my younger sister Donna, my younger brother Phillip.
Five of us in all, not to mention a still born sister Nancy Jean.
My aunt Wanda and Uncle Edgar would come
for a visit at Christmas also.Up from Connecticut,
with their two children Debbie and David.
So this was the gang we had at Christmas for years.
plus my grandma Mary and grandpa Albert,
would come on Christmas.
I also remember many dogs in our house,
Rusty a red setter,and Ralph the dog.
Two great dogs we had for years.
Presents would pile up around the tree,
I remember Grandpa handing out quarter's to the kids.
We kids loved getting money from him.
Wraping paper would fly everywhere.Room full of paper.
It was a wonderful time.
We use to have some nice Thansgiving dinner's
at my brother Arthur's house, when he lived in the area.
Many Happy memories were made.It was a great time.
I remember them, well.
I was starting to get into photography slowly,
When digital came around I was hooked for good.
We have lot's of photo's and slides to remember these times.
Only three of us left nowadays.
Me, my younger sister Donna and my older brother Arthur.
We keep in contact on face book now.
I still live in the Family house now.
I have two good lady friends that keep me happy.
Good times in my mind last forever.
Tuesday, November 21, 2023
The Beatles Poem -
Wednesday, November 15, 2023
You are the Melody I am the Words by Bill Wyllie
You are the Melody,I Am the Words
by William Wyllie
Life is a Song, together we belong.
You are the melody I am the words.
Together our love will be heard.
We dance together, we swing and sway.
I will love you now and the rest of my days.
My words flow out, and swirl around the room.
The melody from you will make a pretty tune.
The violins will play.
You and I will swing and sway.
Let us share a beautiful kiss.
Together we will have such bliss.
The joy we create, brings us closer together.
We will make the world much better.
In this wild and crazy world.
I have the prettiest Girl.
I found my world of joy.
I am a happy boy.
You are such a beauty beyond compare.
With your beautiful face and long black hair.
You are the melody I am the Words.
Together our love will always be heard.
Friday, November 10, 2023
With You I Belong by Bill Wyllie
With You I Belong
By Bill Wyllie
You dazzle me with your beauty.
So gorgeous that you are. You are such a cutie.
I am in love with you my lady.
There sure is no maybe.
You bring me such joy.
I am a very happy boy.
You are delicious my sweet.
You are such a treat.
My love will never stop.
I need you my dear.
I'll whisper I love you into your ear.
With you my hot babe.
My life has been saved. From a life that is lonely.
My love my one and only.
With you I want to cuddle.
Please don't step into that puddle.
My love for you is strong.
It's with you that I Belong.
Tuesday, November 7, 2023
Like Hand in Grove by Bill Wyllie
Like Hand in Grove.
By Bill Wyllie
I will swim the deepest Ocean.
I would sail the sky so Blue.
If it would bring my my darling,
So close and next to you.
My love for you is real.
Please don't slip on that banana Peel.
If I was in a baseball game my hun.
For you I would have a home run.
If I was an oak tree so tall.
With you I sure will fall.
Beside you is where I want to be.
You would make a blind man see.
Together forever and a Day.
Beside you I will always Stay.
It's that one day after forever that I will cherish.
Because I know Our Love Won't perrish.
As I say Goodnight My Love.
Together like Hand in Love