Thursday, August 15, 2024

Home is where the heart is by my friend Pat (First poem she ever wrote)

 Home is where the heart is warm safe feelings fit like a glove.

    Every room alive with memories embracing you with love.

Listen to the walls whisper gently bringing you back through the years.

   Remember the good times--but sadly the tears.

This has always been where you belong.

   The place where your feet stand strong.

But at first creeping slowly, time that dreaded thing.

    Suddenly speeding, like an eagle taking wing.

A new chapter a new day, 

    exactly where and how, none can say.

Yet never forget, in Franklin are family who grieve.

    They love you so dearly, it hurts that you would leave.

Remember also, something that will never change, NO not at all!

    The God in heaven who created you will not let you fall!

You are in the palm of his hand,

     (always near to him), No matter where you stand.

And now I end by saying I wish happiness no matter where you go.

     Even though to leaving I wish you would say NO!!

  (Note- I am not leaving as far away as I planned,

 but sadly I am moving from my home, A new beginning

hopefully it will be a good place.)


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