Monday, June 24, 2024

Crazy Love by Bill Wyllie

      Crazy Love
                                     by Bill Wyllie

      My beautiful lady, it is you that I Love.
             We will share our love in our heaven above.
      Your sweet love has brought my joy.
             Please let me be your naughty boy.
      Never thought I would find such a beauty
             In this crazy world.
     I want you to be my forever girl.
            The word forever I use it a lot.
    It's the only word I know to express what we got.
             We have somehing special, I feel in my heart.
    I want us together, never be apart.
             "Never be apart" this keeps coming up.
   But it expresses my passion, you fill my cup.
             Another sunny day has just begun to start.
   Let's Get together, you are such a work of art.
             These words come out,
   never know what I will wright.
             But with you by my side everything is alright.
  It is better than alright, it's the best thing to happen.
            I will show you my love with lot's of passion.

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