Monday, June 24, 2024

When Will I See Wen by Bill Wyllie

When will I See Wen
                                                       by William Wyllie

             When will I see Wen.
                  Will it be today or tomorrow.
             Will we by Happy and have no sorrow?
                 When will I See Wen.
             In the light of day or the dark of night.
                  Whenever it is it will be a delight.
            When will I see Wen.
                  We will walk in the sun and in the moonlight.
            I know when we are together everything's Alright.
                  When will I see Wen.
            No matter the time.
                  I know I want her to be mine.
            When will I see Wen.
                   I will love today until who knows When.
           Together we will be,but my love I will send.
                  This is a crazy poem that just popped into my mind.
           I know I will Love her until the End of Time. 

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